How to use your intuition (your superpower) in a way that feels aligned to your soul

using intuition for spiritual growth

In the world we live in, we’ve been conditioned to go outside ourselves to seek validation from others instead of connecting into ourselves for the guidance we seek.

Making our own decisions without receiving input from others can feel so foreign to us because we’ve somehow along the way, began to trust more what others say than our own feelings. 

Those who have experienced internal connection have expressed this inner knowing. Some call this a ‘gut feeling’, I call it intuition and we all have it, yet most of us are not utilizing it fully. 

Do any of these sound familiar?

A deep knowing that you cannot shake even after sleeping on it. 

A recurring yes or no voice in your head

A feeling in your body that you notice every time you think about the situation/decision 

If you’ve ever experienced any of these, this is your intuition trying to connect with you. 

It’s  is a superpower we all have and when we can learn how to identify it and connect to it, we can align fully to our soul. 

The women I work with often come to me seeking guidance on how to connect more deeply to their intuition and use it as their guide post for making decisions that will support them. 

So many people are wanting a different path. Yet society has conditioned many to believe that our intuition makes us soft and not to be taken seriously. 

However, this is the opposite. Our intuition is a guiding force that when activated can lead us to make decisions that are aligned with who we are at a deep soul level. 

When people connect to this energy, the opportunities for one’s life are endless. 

If you’re a woman who no longer wants to seek answers from others and instead connect to your intuition (your superpower) and trust what’s coming through, I want you to know it’s possible.

When you can quiet the external noise and find stillness this is when your intuition can connect with you. 

Softening into this space with pure gentleness allows the whispers of your soul to be revealed. 

A place where you will receive loving guidance in every situation. 

Ashley xo

deeper connection - start here