Your Words Are More Powerful Then You Know

Soul Attunement

Have you given yourself the opportunity to get quiet and check in to see how your energy is feeling this week? If not, this is your invitation to do so. 

The more you create this space and connect the more you will begin to sense the energy within you. 

We cannot do this from a place of rushing.

It will only take a moment, and you’re worth the moment in time to stop, close your eyes, place your hand on your heart space and breathe 3 long inhales & exhales. You can do it now as you read these words. . 

Now, how do you feel?

More calm, centered, connected? 

I hope so. 

I’m finding more and more ways to find calm in a chaos lately, it feels like I’m aligning to what actually brings me joy and sharing these words is one of them. 

My guides shared with me many years ago when I was seeking guidance on my gifts they said, “you will heal through your words.”

Words hold an energetic vibration and can invoke healing from within. 

Each time I sit down to write I’m very intentional about the words I share. Sometimes these words may be received with such an impact in the moment and other times they need time to ruminate. Either way there is an energetic vibration that is exchanged when you read these words that are felt at a soul level. 

I’m so grateful to be able to share these words and wisdom with you and trust that they will be received exactly as they are meant to with the frequency of kindness and joy. 

If you’re wanting to create more intention in connecting in then I would like to invite you to connect to The Pathway - a suite of offerings designed to meet you wherever you’re at on your journey. I really want to take the fear out of the decision making process and invite into a more gentle way for your soul to experience the growth and expansion in this life. 

With gratitude,

Ashley xo

deeper connection - start here