A Meditation To Bring You More Self-Compassion

meditation for self-compassion

Today I want to talk to you about the highs and lows of our energy and how to bring in self love and compassion especially on the hard days. 

As a spirit having a human experience there is the constant dance between the two. Once you realize the gifts that are received when you’re in this higher consciousness you want to stay there always.

I love this expansive space that is between the two realities of the seen and unseen world, but I know that I need to adapt to the world around me because I agreed to be here at this time, this is part of my learning, to co-exist and it’s part of your learning too - all human beings!

I often say the evidence of our expansion and healing doesn’t happen on the yoga mat or in meditation. It happens when we experience a similar situation and respond to it differently. That’s when you know you’ve grown. That’s when you know you’ve healed. 

To live a soul-aligned life requires you to quiet the external noise, drop into your heart space, the center of your intuition (your soul) to receive the messages and guidance then take soul aligned action on the guidance. It takes courage and self-compassion especially on the hard days to listen and trust.  Those days when the ego is on the doorstep second guessing the guidance and trying to keep you small. 

I want to share this meditation with you to help you connect deeper to your heart space and practice self-compassion to bring you closer to your divine wisdom within. 

I hope you enjoy this gift. 

XO Ashley

deeper connection-start here